Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Happy Today!

So much happier today.  Thankfully daughter's illness was a complicated migraine and not a mini-stroke.  She had a lovely relaxing day in bed today and is feeling weak but great.  I can now write a much cheerier blog!

I completed all the pretties for little Jasmine's bedroom, including a nice pillow cushion made from the cut-offs of the curtains and appliquéd butterflies cut from the ends of the bedding.  I photocopied butterflies onto stiff card, cut them out and attached them to a strip of flowery braid to make a cute dangly.  It's a real girly room.

The day before Sunday's drama I had a lovely time in Sheffield.  I found new charity shops and a craft fair as well as visiting the Millennium Gallery
I was pleased to see that the prices and quality of goods at the craft fair were suitably comparable with my own makes (in fact, some of mine are nicer!)

I also made the splendid purchase of a vintage sparkly dress for just £2.  It's too big and glittery for me but I hope there's a profit in it as a sale item.
I had a commission this week as well.  Emma from Cakewalk Vintage had a request from a customer which produced the young lady below.  Her smart, sober 50's suit is offset by a perky pillbox hat and lashings of fab red hair.

1 comment:

  1. Already seen the bits in real life, and they're still just as lovely :) and how grown up does Jasmine look in that photo!!

    Love the dress, glad you had a good time in Sheffield xx
