Sunday, 30 January 2011

Pineapple, Flowers, Cat

A rather miscellaneous title, but it covers everything today.  Last week Mr carrad  bought a fresh pineapple which was on its last legs, so I made a pineapple upside down cake.  It was so much yummier than with tinned pineapple and just to make it a bit different I used Starbucks caramel syrup instead of golden syrup and walnuts instead of cherries.  This turned out to be a more grown-up version and was delicious.

I had a bunch of really manky (the only word for it) fake orange roses which either had to go or be recycled.  As you know me, you can guess which.  I also had the heads of a more attractive bunch of fake brown chrysanths, so I swapped them over and they look much nicer.  They now reside on the hearth in the living room.  The cheap fabric roses come apart and look better in kit form and I would be very grateful for any brainwaves as to how to reuse them ...
Yukky roses, nice chrysanth heads
nice chrysanths, yukky rose heads
What to do with yukky rose bits? ...
Finally say hello to Kitty, a little lavender pusscat, made from a pattern by Ros Badger, fabulous maker of crafts and wonderful teacher.  I feel a few more of these coming on as I have a bundle of old teatowels too nice to be used for dusters.

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