Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Where's me dashboard?!

Not at all sure I like this new blogger thingy.  I can't find the dashboard for one thing, and I liked to check up who was currently blogging, etc.  What do you think?
Little thing to make me happy
Maybe I just don't have my thinking head on as I've been laid low with a nagging cough and cold that won't go away.  This weekend I've been mostly curled up in my happy corner with hot drinks, Day Nurse and my woolly doings.
Happy Corner
 Hopefully I'll be fit and well again soon and blogging something a bit more interesting.  Keep warm and dry during this funny weather, lovelies. xxx

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Swirly Whirly Rug

Unravelled cardi to cosy woolly blanket-backed rug - TA DA!

Saturday, 14 April 2012

More Craft than Housework...

... which I think is a good name for a blog!

 I really ought to do more things like cleaning, cooking and washing but after all we only have the one lifetime (that we're aware of, anyway) so obviously it has to be used properly. 

With this in mind, I have been making...
...more bags with stuff in (not a good name for them - anyone with a better idea, please tell me!)...
 ...a short jacket in Bergere Toison yarn for The Girl Genius...
...and a pincushion!

My next crochet project is this duffel coat for Miss Peach Pudding's first birthday.  It's in Rowan Denim which will fade nicely with washing.
Oo, mustn't forget to add my pic of my choices from Laa Laa's Travelling Box Swap.  They're not very exciting choices - there were much more interesting things in the box - but they're the most useful to me.  Thanks, Laa Laa, for organising!
And finally,
Miss Peach Pudding hopes you all have a lovely Easter holiday! xxx

Saturday, 7 April 2012

Addicted to Freeform!

Another bag from the needles and hooks of Carrad
This was recycled from an old cardi, which I unravelled and divided up the striped colours to make freeform scrumbles.  There's lots more yarn left to do interesting things with - it was a big cardi!

Recently I attended a Decorative Crochet workshop and learnt a few new things.  These are the samples I made.  As usual, I wanted to create something with them
I made a little purse and lined it with spotty fabric.
Don't know what to use it for, but I like looking at it!

... and finally...

Sunday, 1 April 2012

Giveaway Winner and the Mystery Revealed

Mr C, the human random generator, was enlisted to pick the lucky winner from the slips in the dog's bowl (clean, of course!)
Well done, Famfa at Busy Butterfingers!  Do email me your address and I'll get your gift in the post.

Here is the mystery freeform - yes, it's another bag!
Side One
Side Two
 I've already bought more wool to create more freeform bags to make for Christmas presents - best to start early, I think... 

Two new things.  A lovely tin and wood picture frame in which I added a happy message until I can find just the right photo.
 My 50p bargain - the cutest little spotty jug!

Have a lovely April, my dears xxx